Easy Iced Chai Latte Recipe

I'm usually a hot mint green tea drinker, but when the weather heats up, I like to treat myself to an iced Chai tea latte.  At Starbucks, this creamy iced beverage costs about $5 each, and that adds up too quickly for my budget. 

This year I decided to learn how to make my own, and now that I know how, I actually prefer my version to Starbies.  It's so easy - I just prep the concentrate liquid so I can whip up an iced latte anytime I want.

Easy Iced Chai

For this recipe, you'll need:

- Chai tea

- Honey

- Oat Milk (or any other kind of milk you like)

- Ice

- a storage container, preferably air tight

To start, you'll want to use a great Chai tea.  We sell this one, and I really like it. 

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

First, boil water in your tea kettle (or microwave) and pour two cups into a heat safe measuring cup or mug.  I like the measuring cup because it has a spout.

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

Steep the tea for 5 to 7 minutes, depending on how strong you want the Chai flavor.  I'll leave mine for 10-15 minutes while the liquid cools to make the Chai concentrate really strong (it stretches a little further that way).  When the tea is your desired strength, remove the tea bags and discard them.

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

While the tea is still warm, add a drizzle of honey.  I don't add much (I don't like sweet drinks), but you can add a little, stir it up and taste until you're happy with the level of sweetness.

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

Once the tea concentrate is completely cooled, transfer it to a glass container with an air-tight lid.  I reuse sparkling water bottles for this because they're beautiful and the seal makes it lasts longer.  Refrigerate until ready to use.

When you're ready to make your Iced Chai, fill a glass with ice. 

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

Add milk to the glass and fill it up about 1/3 of the way.  I prefer Oat Milk for this because it's very creamy without a ton of calories, but you can use regular milk, almond milk or any other kind of milk you prefer.

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

Next, add the Chai tea concentrate to fill the other 2/3 of the glass.  

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

Just give it a little stir with your straw to combine.  I love these silicone straws - they're great and eco-friendly.  

easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com
easy iced chai latte recipe on barquegifts.com

There you go - a delicious, pick-me-up treat on a warm day - for a fraction of the cost of a Starbucks run.  Sip and enjoy.