Carry On Chico

Jon Hart Chicos are great - they're the perfect size that you can use them for lots of things - makeup, charging cords, medications - the chico is VERY versatile.  You can't have too many of them, so that makes it the perfect gift for anyone! Today I'm sharing one of my favorite uses for the Jon Hart Chico - a dedicated "carry on" Chico!  This is one of my best tips for traveling by air because it makes packing so much easier.  I used to make list after list of what I needed to remember to pack, and inevitably I would forget something small that I wished I had.  Now, I keep all of my favorite little "in-flight" needs packed and ready to go in a Chico.  I never have to remember to pack "all the things" - I just have to replenish anything that I've used up and grab the bag and GO. Here's what I keep stocked in my "carry on" Chico: carryon_sm tissues ear buds gum Tide to go stick ear plugs lip balm a pen (and usually sticky notes too) cough drops hand sanitizer tea and honey Handy, right?  I think so!  It's actually a gift I love to give as well - and the concept doesn't have to only be for frequent flyers.  You could fill a Chico with dance or cheerleading must-haves:  bobby pins, mini hair spray, lipstick, glitter, breath mints, etc. and hot stamp "team work" or "game face" on the outside.   You could also fill a Chico with orchestra needs:  extra strings, resin, a polishing cloth, etc.  That would be fun to stamp with "strings things".  This would be a great idea for teachers too - they always need little "emergency kits" for the classroom... The possibilities are endless! The Chico is available in lots of colors, and we can hot stamp a name, initials (or specific phrase like mine) in about 3 days.  It's a great gift for $34 (and it would be even more cute if you pre-filled it with some of their favorite necessities before gifting it).  What do you think?  Who do you know that could enjoy a dedicated Chico?  Let us know - we'd love to hook you up with this clever gift idea! IMG_0553sm   Save [/et_pb_text][et_pb_button admin_label="Button" button_url="" url_new_window="off" button_text="Buy One Now" button_alignment="center" background_layout="light" custom_button="off" button_letter_spacing="0" button_use_icon="default" button_icon_placement="right" button_on_hover="on" button_letter_spacing_hover="0" /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]