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2015 January Market Trends
As always, my last trip to Atlanta Market did not disappoint. It's true, going to Market IS fun, but make no mistake - it's NOT a vacation or pleasure trip. It's hard WORK. I try to throw in a couple of great dinners to make it seem more fun and relaxing than it really is, but for me, Market is all about the finds.
Going from showroom to showroom for five days, I started to notice a few trends. Trend-spotting is important in retail - when you really pay attention, you can predict what will sell before it actually does. That's the trick. Find the newest, hottest thing before it's declared the newest, hottest thing... and it's pretty darn difficult!
{As a designer, a bonus for noticing the trends is that it can inspire me to create products that will merchandise nicely with those emerging trends.}
So, while I did find a LOT of cool items that our customers will love, these three trends really stood out, so I'm declaring them the HOT trends of 2015!
+ GRAY +
I've heard that gray is the new black, but it's for real happening this year. It was everywhere - from tabletop to tote bags to jewelry and gorgeous stationery. I would probably never pick gray for a paint color in my home, but there were so many beautiful gray tones at Market, I might end up changing my mind some day.
... hot dog, I know our store customers are going to be happy about this one - we've got a lot of Doxie lovers out there! I spied the iconic weenie dog on stationery (Rifle Paper Co.) and in brass (Creative Co-Op) and on pillows and bookends. Let's hear it for the dogs!
+ GOLD +
Yes, still. And everyone wants it - gold foil on greeting cards and beverage napkins and everyday stationery and wedding invitations. Metallic gold prints on home decor and fashion accessories. Gold, gold, gold is all the rage!
Did you attend Market this month (in Atlanta, Dallas, Vegas or New York)? I'd love to hear what trends YOU spotted! Let's compare notes.
{featured in the image above (clockwise-ish): Butter London Dodgy nail lacquer, Royal Standard Cake Stand, Read Between the Lines Tipsy and Fresh Card, Slant Collections Cheers! napkins, Kate Spade New York ice bucket, Royal Standard gold greek key tote, Rifle Paper Co. Dachshund note card, Creative Co-op Brass Dachshund )